Monthly Archives: August 2012

iYogi Reviews Mattel Apptivity toys that interact with iPad® surface

Kids nowadays love to play their favorite games on their parents’ tablets or smartphones. To target the ever-increasing demand of tech-savvy kids, Mattel has added a new line of physical toys to its Apptivity toy line. Apptivity is the name given to a bundle of app-branded physical toys that can be used on the surface of tablets or smartphones. The toys that are a part of an Apptivity bundle come with touch-sensitive contacts on their bottoms.

The Apptivity bundle launched by Mattel is designed specifically for Apple’s iPad device. According to Mattel, the iPad platform was chosen after taking in notice its immense popularity. Mattel wanted to create new play possibilities that can be used by each and every member of the family for recreation. The Apptivity bundles of Mapple include many games such as Hot Wheels, Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope, The Dark Knight Rises, Angry Birds, and WWE Rumblers.

In its review of Mattel Apptivity games, iYogi found that Hot Wheels, WWE, Fruit Ninja and Cut the Rope were all easily playable. The inputs provided by Apptivity games were easily picked by iPad’s screen. The Apptivity mode in Cut the Rope and Fruit Ninja are pretty intuitive, but it would require a bit of practice by kids to get the hang of playing Hot Wheels. They might face a little bit of problem in finding the sweet spot to place their car on the iPad surface in such a way that they can speed up their car while leaving enough room to view the upcoming obstacles.

If you wish to gift Mattel Apptivity games to your kids on their coming birthday, visit the Apple Store to choose your kids’ favorite game. To keep yourself informed with the features of such wonderful and latest gadgets and gizmos, keep on reading iYogi reviews.

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Posted by on August 30, 2012 in reviews


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iYogi highlights the delay in launch of ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan’

Are you a hardcore gamer? Do you like to keep yourself updated with all the recently released gadgets and games in the market? iYogi provides information on anything that is latest in the world of games. From the new version of a game to an advanced gaming console, you can find news on everything that is latest. Check out this recent post by iYogi on ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan’, the most-awaited expansion for Turbine’s free-to-play multiplayer online role-playing game.

The fourth major expansion of the upcoming ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan’ has been delayed from its scheduled September 5 release date. The game is now going to be released on October 15.

“Thanks to some great efforts from beta players, we’ve identified issues that we think need to be addressed before we can launch. In order to address those issues and meet our expectations for quality we’re going to need more time. As a result, we’ve elected to delay our launch to October 15th,” said executive producer Kate Paiz.

As a token of appreciation to fans who have already pre-purchased the ‘Riders of Rohan’ and are looking forward to the update will get 500 Turbine Points and a goodie bag containing consumables that include:

  • Slayer Deed Accelerators x1 (60 min)
  • 100% XP Boost (1 hour)
  • +20% Renown (3 hours)
  • +20% Renown (3 hours)
  • Scroll of Finesse
  • Tome of Defence

These consumables will get credited to all the users who have pre-purchased the game by the previous due date i.e. September 5. Turbine is still taking pre-orders for the impending ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan’. So if you order the game before this date, you are still entitled to get the consumables.

While downloading the ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan’ after its launch, if you experience any kind of technical issue, you can contact iYogi for instant tech support. In addition to this, the expert technicians at iYogi can provide comprehensive tech support to resolve any issue that you may experience while playing games on your computer. iYogi Experts can assist you in getting rid of audio issues, graphics issues, or incompatibility issues. Also, the experts have the experience to resolve issues that can occur while connecting gaming consoles with your PC.

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Posted by on August 27, 2012 in News


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iYogi News: Don’t trust SMS, warns Apple to its customers

Apple has warned its consumers to use its iMessage service instead of using their carrier’s SMS network to enjoy secure messaging. Apple advised this to its consumers when a popular iPhone security researcher posted on the Internet that how a ‘flaw’ in Apple’s implementation of SMS in its mobile operating system iOS can be used to spoof SMS messages.

According to the researcher, who is known as pod2g, this flaw has been detected in all the versions of iOS, which include the latest version 6.0, beta 4. The security researcher reported that as iOS does not clearly show the source of an SMS, anybody can send a SMS to an iPhone user in the disguise of his friend or the bank in which he holds an account.

Apple acknowledged the flaw, but said using iMessage avoids the problem. “Apple takes security very seriously,” Apple said in a statement. “When using iMessage instead of SMS, addresses are verified which protects against these kinds of spoofing attacks.”

“One of the limitations of SMS is that it allows messages to be sent with spoofed addresses to any phone, so we urge customers to be extremely careful if they’re directed to an unknown website or address over SMS,” the statement reads further.

Pod2g further explains in his post that the SMS flaw allows the sender of the message to enter an address on its reply line that’s different from the address that appears on its ‘from’ line. As iOS uses the information from the ‘Reply To’ line to identify the origin of the SMS, the actual sender of the SMS can make it appear as if it came from someone trusted by the recipient. Once the sender wins the recipient’s confidence, he can divert the recipient, through malicious links in the message, to a website where sensitive information can be stolen from the target.

The expert technicians at iYogi can assist you in getting rid of any malicious code from your iOS powered device. If you own any of the Apple device such as MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, iMac, or Mac Pro, then iYogi can help you to avoid or resolve any technical issues whether it is minor or complicated. Also, you can avail yourself of the handy tips and tricks to get the best out of your Apple device.


Posted by on August 22, 2012 in News


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